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Sunday, 1 April 2018

Brewing update

The mild is down to 1009ish after 4 days, and almost clear. Tastes good already, even though it's really young, but I'll leave it for the usual 2 weeks before packaging even though the gravity suggests I could get away with one. This is pretty standard, it seams, for Mangrove Jacks Liberty Bell yeast; starts quickly, smells nice, finishes promptly. It adds a mild (no pun intended) amount of esters and fruity tastes to a brew, but nothing totally dominating. 

Can't wait to get going with my next AG brew, not sure what it is going to be yet, possibly another mild. Or a golden ale. Or an IPA (traditional English one, of course). We'll see.

I've also finally bottled my two WOWs that took an age to clear. They have some promise, but am not yet convinced they will be suitable to keep us in wine. We'll see on that one as well.

Oh, and some happy news; I've won something! Inkbird were giving away some stuff and I was the very greatful winner of an ITC 306. In fact, when the package came, it contained two. Yippee!  I plan to build a brew cupboard with one and use the other to control the water temp on my Burco. 

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