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Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Brews update and stuff

The Kentucky Common has finished at 1010, giving a pleasing 4.73% abv and apparent attenuation of 78%, which is within yeast specifications. Tastes nice, but is hazy. No yeast taint whatsoever so this is one CML yeast I can get on with. It has a nice hop bitterness and taste, with a surprising amount of malt coming through. As I planned,  I've set the fermenting fridge to 4 degrees to cold crash it before I package it in a King Keg. On that front, I need to dismantle the S30 valve on my second keg, replace the rubbers, then check if for sealing, as it was leaking. I've got the kit for this, so I'll try and remember to take some photos to post.
My Lovibond XB has dropped clear, and tastes OK. The taint from the barrel appears to be subsiding, so I'll leave it a bit longer. Its very hoppy!

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