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Sunday, 28 January 2018

Coopers Brew A + mini-mash #3

Made a hop tea today with 50g of cascade. First error, boiled up 500ml of bottled water and poured it into the cafetiere containing the hops, without letting it cool to 80 degrees ~ however this may have saved me because when I went to pour this into the FV the glass part of the cafetiere slipped out and Plop! into the brew it went. I had sanitized the inside of it before use, but I can only hope that holding boiling water for 10 mins would have killed off any nasties on the outside. We'll see ~ I'm too long in the tooth to overly stress about these things if I am completely honest. Anyway, it will all sit in there until next weekend.

The sample I took before hand measured 1014, which is a lot higher than I was aiming for, although I thing it was still pretty active, so perhaps it will drop a couple more points. If it doesn't, it will be a nice session IPA at about 3.5%, and I shall claim that was my intention all along.;)Tasted quite excellent. 

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