Brewer: Morland
Brew: Hen's Tooth
A.B.V. : 6.5%
Score: 5 / 10
Review: A darker 'copper coloured' bottle conditioned ale, that pours to a 1-2 cm head of fine bubbles rather than foam. Hoppy aroma, that has a light body, similar to an American Pale Ale. The hops add an American Pale Ale type bitterness, but no fruity flavours. The head disappears quite quickly leaving only a thin layer of bubbles as the pint is drank. I found this beer a bit odd, it's dark enough to fool you into thinking it might have a bit of body or obvious malty taste, but it is actually quite crisp. Not an unpleasant beer, but I can't help feel it is neither one thing or the other, and doesn't succeed as being an interesting new style. If your Gran has just given you 20 bottles of this for Christmas, don't despair, it is quite drinkable, but I wouldn't intentionally seek it out, which is a shame, because I kind of like the idea of bottle conditioned ales, and no, not just because I want to re-culture the yeast in them!
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