This brew has now had 2 weeks fermenting at 17 degrees, 1 week to 10 days crashing / sort of
largering at 4 degrees then the remainder of the week gradually returning to ambient temperature. I packaged it today in a king keg that I cleaned using oxi, then bleached using unscented thin bleach, then treated with campden powder to remove any chlorine and finally sanitised with Videne. Why the paranoia? Well, my Lovibond ale picked up a taint in its king keg, so I've decided it's not that much extra effort to do the above every time and the king keg smelt clean as a whistle!
The Kentucky common was super clear and stable at 1010, giving about 4.7%, maybe 5 after priming.
The taste was excellent, clean like a lager, but malty as well. However, there is a lovely black currant slight fruit flavour coming from the Bramling Cross hops. Very excited to try this one in a few weeks after it has carbed up and conditioned. I'm also keen to do the same recipe again, but with an English ale yeast, as I think it's a very promising grain bill and hop schedule. Colour is almost like a brown ale. Updates to follow.
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