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Sunday, 11 November 2018

Is it fermenting yet?

Went to check that the East Street stout was still doing its thing.

I think that's a yes! Cleaned it all up and replaced the airlock with a clean one and it's bubbling away happily, so peak crausen must have been and gone. I will have to go back to using a blow off tube. It always seems to be dark beers that cause massive yeast escape attempts, as I don't really regard Nottingham as a particularly active yeast when it comes to climbing out if the FV. Efficient and highly attenuating yes, escape artist, no. 

My Kolsch is bubbling away happily as well, and my water
bath solution for conditioning bottles is working well. One inkbird controls both the immersion heaters, but obviously the temperature probe can only be in one bath, but I've checked and they are within 1°C if each other which is fine for carbing up. I need to ask around on the forums to have a guesstimate as to how long the Kolsch yeast will take, as the idea will be to ramp up the temperature for a diacetyl rest when it's within a point or two of final gravity; obviously I don't want to be disturbing it unnecessarily and risking introducing infection by constantly measuring gravity so am idea of when this might be will be helpful.

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