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Friday, 10 August 2018

1864 Lovibond XB

A recipe from Ron Pattinson's book, which I won't reproduce here, apart to say that despite being a Pale Ale, rather than an IPA, it uses over 170g of hops in a 5 UK gallon brew, all of the East Kent Goldings.

Target OG / FG was 1052/1011 giving an ABV of 5.56%. I hit 1056. I pitched Nottingham yeast rather then the specified Whitbread liquid yeast, and it finished at 1004. Gulp ~ after priming, this is going to be the wrong side of 7%. My plan was to bottle this, but along with the fantastic sun and heat this summer has brought, it has increased the fly count so I put it in a King Keg in the end. Its had a week conditioning now and has already started to clear; a combination of 4 weeks in the primary caused by work and family life intervening.

It tastes very promising ~ quite bitter, obviously, but it also has an intense hop taste. This surprised me as none of the additions are later than 30 mins.

More on this once its conditioned fully.

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