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Saturday, 12 May 2018

GW Hopback Summer Lightning clone update

Bottled this yesterday. Gosh, how I dislike bottling, all the washing, rinsing, sanitizer, etc etc. Give me packaging in a King Keg any day.

I got 30 bottles, and it's finished at 1007. Thats knocking on the door of 5.2% abv when it's finished carbonating. For such a strong beer, it's very easy drinking; in fact there's not much to it. Hoping for a nice summer quencher.

I need to get a King Keg back from a friend then I'll package the hop back mild that's in the 2nd FV.

I'm split between doing a bitter (Timmy Taylor's Boltmaker clone) or a historic recipe from Ron Pattinsons blog next; watch this space.

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