I am aiming for a Rosé , so reading this thread on the home brew forum, and tinkering very slightly I put the following into a sterialised demijon and gave it a shake. That's about it!
1 litre Asda Fresh Red grape juice.
2 litre Asda Smart Price Apple Juice.700g Sugar, dissolved in water and brought to the boil.
1 tsp Tannin (actually added to the sugar solution before boiling)
1 tsp citric acid (added as above)
1 tsp Yeast Nutrient (Ditto)
All of the above were put in the DJ, then the temp was checked. It was 22/23 degrees so the following were added;
1 tsp Yeast Super Wine Yeast Compound
1 tsp Pectolase.1 tsp Glycerine. (optional)
The airlock was put on, and that's that.
Once the fermentation has finished, it will be racked into a fresh DJ, degassed, and finings and stabaliser added. Left to completely clear, and bottled.
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