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Saturday 9 July 2011

Coopers Original Series Stout ~ 'Ditch's recipe'

Type: Kit Brew
Sugars: 1 Kg Medium dry malt extract (Muntons), 250g Unrefined Brown Sugar.
Yeast: Kit Yeast
Additions:Water de-chlorinated with 1/2 Campden tablet.
Time in Primary: 2 weeks
Secondary method: Keg
Time in Secondary: 2 weeks
O.G. 1056
F.G. 1012

On the Jim's Beer Kit Forum, in the kit brewing section, there is a 'sticky' that has numerous replies and recommendations, for 'Ditch's recipe stout'. Basically, it's a Coopers Original Series Stout made up with 1Kg of medium dry malt extract, and about 250g of unrefined brown sugar. Such were the reviews, that I thought I would give it a try.

A miscalculation on my part saw it being brewed to 20L rather than 23, so it came out with a higher gravity than the original post. The fermenting beer goes absolutely crazy, with foam crawling up the FV and trying to escape through the airlock. This didn't cause me any issues, as I keep mine in a builders bucket partially filled with water, and an aquarium heater, but it's worth looking out for if you don't do this.

After 2 weeks, into the King Keg it went with 80g of priming sugar in solution, and after a further 2 weeks it was drinkable.

Lovely dark stout, with a thick head that lasts to the end of the pint. Chocolate and coffee notes, and a lovely smooth taste. Considering how simple to make this was, and how quickly it becomes drinkable, one the colder weather returns, I will be doing this kit / method again, and again...